Channel: Vel – LaTeX Templates

Elsevier’s elsarticle Document Class

Elsevier's elsarticle document class and templates can be used by academics to write and submit journal articles to all Elsevier journals. There are presently over 2,700 journals published by Elsevier with over 250,000 articles published per year. Popular journals include Cell, The Lancet, Lancet Infectious Diseases and Lancet Neurology but a complete list of all Elsevier journals can be found here. Elsevier explicitly state that this class and templates are their preferred format for articles submitted to all of their journals.

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Royal Society of Chemistry

The Royal Society of Chemistry encourages authors to submit manuscripts for journal articles in LaTeX by providing three templates for authors to use. The templates cover the scope of articles published by journals of the RSC: full papers (including reviews), communications and faraday discussions. Each template includes dummy content which provides an example for authors for how to write their paper in LaTeX.

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Dreuw & Deselaer’s Poster

This poster template features a dark gray color scheme for content and a contrasting title and footer to highlight important information about the research. Content is laid out in two columns in a portrait orientation but changing it to landscape and increasing the number of columns is quite easy. The template makes extensive use of lists for styling which promotes a clear and concise description of research. Examples of a table, figure, equation, list and bibliography are present in the template to provide a starting point for any requirement you may have for your own poster.

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Public Library of Science (PLOS)

Friggeri Resume/CV

This beautiful Resume/CV template is suitable for anyone, from a designer with many short contracts to a scientist with varied publications. The template features a sidebar for important information such as contact details, languages, skills, titles, etc. The rest of the content is housed in clear colored sections with each entry featuring a space for a date, title, description and location. The publication list in this template is particularly useful for those that wish to list an extensive list of publications within separate categories.

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baposter Portrait Poster

This poster template neatly divides content into separate boxes with clear headings in each one. The portrait layout features a small side column for study details and a larger column to show off results obtained from the research. The larger column can be optionally divided into two columns to squeeze more information into the poster. The default colors of the template are in the blue spectrum but can be easily changed within the template. Examples of a table, figure, equation, list and bibliography are present in the template to provide a starting point for any requirement you may have for your own poster.

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PNAS Journal

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) allows authors to submit their manuscript formatted in LaTeX to the PNAS Journal. For this, they provide a template which contains the structure and reference style they would like for submissions. The PNAS LaTeX template features a two-column layout and mirrors the layout seen in final publications released by PNAS. This allows authors to determine the exact length of their manuscripts as they will appear if accepted. The template is highly structured so each piece of information is clearly separated into sections for easy editing.

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Long Lined Cover Letter

This cover letter template features a clean professional layout which can take a large amount of text per page. The ability to include a company/institution logo at the top of the letter further adds to the professional look. The content of the letter itself is presented between two horizontal lines and contains your contact information, the addressee and letter content. Any element of the letter can be easily removed within the template to customize the layout to your requirements.

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Press Release

This template makes writing a press release easy by dividing the document into the necessary sections and elements that are required for a clear press release. At the top of the press release is a place for a logo for your company/institution which serves to give the release credibility and recognition. Underneath this is a section for contact information regarding the release along with the date of the release. Next is the headline and subtitle which need to grab the attention and provide enough detail to make the purpose of the release clear at a glance. Finally, the content of the press release starts with a location, date and summary of the content followed by the body of the release.

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American Geophysical Union

The AGU LaTeX template features a single-column draft layout by default but has the option to change this to a two-column layout which mimics the layout of published articles and allows authors to get an accurate estimation of the size of their article. The draft layout divides the article into separate pages by different elements: the author information, abstract, article content and figures/tables. The template contains ample commenting which advises you how the AGU would like you to use the template, several rules to note are that no custom macros are allowed, no subfigures are accepted, and the bibliography must consist of '\bibitem's rather than the inclusion of a bib file.

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baposter Landscape Poster

This poster template features a large header with space for two logos to either side of the title and neatly divides poster content into separate boxes with clear headings in each one. The landscape layout features four columns which can be merged into larger blocks if required, such as in the Results 1, Conclusion and Future Research sections of the template. Merged blocks allow more space for showing off results while blocks taking up one column are ideal for small paragraphs of text or details about the research.

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a0poster Landscape Poster

This poster features a clean landscape layout with a large header section housing important information about the poster, a column for contact information and space for a logo of your institution or a photo of you. Poster content is neatly divided into four columns to make use of the space available as much as possible. The number of columns can easily be changed if you would like the extra width for larger tables and figures. The template features the ability to easily change the color of any section or element and shows this off with several examples (e.g. the color of the introduction and conclusions sections).

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a0poster Portrait Poster

This poster features a clean portrait layout with a large header section housing important information about the poster and space for a logo of your institution or a photo of you. Poster content is neatly divided into two columns which is typical for a poster with a portrait orientation. The number of columns can easily be changed if you would like more room for text. The template features the ability to easily change the color of any section or element and shows this off with several examples (e.g. the color of the introduction and conclusions sections).

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Fancyslides Presentation

This presentation template uses the Fancyslides class which builds on top of the well-known beamer class to give it a modern and concise design. The template is very minimalist with large font sizes and little space for text and would thus be suited for popular presentations by confident speakers. It makes extensive use of background images for slides to provide a strong visual counterpart to the verbal presentation. Content within the presentation is housed within translucent colored circles or rectangles. The former are used for main points or section delineations while the latter are used for larger blocks of text or data slides. Several predefined color options are present within the template and you can also define your own.

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Frequently Asked Questions

This template provides an easy framework for creating a frequently asked questions (FAQ's) document. The first page features a large title followed by a subtitle and list of all questions. Questions are clearly displayed in colored boxes with answers after them in plain text. Each question can contain a unique label to allow referencing it in future questions via links. Questions are also automatically numbered and this number can be referred to at any point.

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Thin Sectioned Essay

This essay template features a thin single column of text divided by clear section titles to increase readability and aesthetics. The template contains examples of an abstract, keywords and references which makes it suitable for college/university essays but these elements can be easily removed for a simpler high school essay. The title and subtitle of the essay are prominently displayed along with the author information prior to the essay content to immediately draw the attention of the person marking the essay.

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Short Three Column Newsletter

This newsletter template is best suited to shorter newsletters consisting of short articles from a number of contributors. It features a prominent main news item at the start to provide a space for important updates or a summation of events by a single author. The body of the newsletter has a three-column layout which is conducive to short articles by a number of authors. The newsletter header on the first page clearly displays the newsletter name and edition while the footers on each page provide contact information and a longer description of the newsletter.

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ACS Publications

American Chemical Society (ACS) Publications allows authors to submit their manuscripts formatted in LaTeX to any of their journals. For this, they provide a demo template which contains the structure and reference style they would like for submissions. The demo template provided here includes the achemso class, bibliography style, documentation and an example template with associated bibliography. The demo template features a single-column layout for easy reviewing and all of the document elements that are typically found in journal articles: article information, author information, tables, figures, equations, references and more.

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NIH Grant Proposal

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) provides grants to researchers wishing to fund their research projects. The lengthy application requires a great deal of information regarding the proposed research and this template is meant to make the process easier by creating the document structure required for the application and providing examples of typical content. The template is primarily meant for the Specific Aims, Research Plan and Bibliography sections of the grant application but other parts (e.g., Budget Justification) can be created as additions to this template or subsequently created in a word processor.

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The Wiley Book Style

The Wiley Publishing Company provides two templates for authors wishing to use LaTeX to supply their books for typesetting. The difference between the two templates is purely in their dimensions, one is for 6" x 9" books while the other is for 7" x 10" books. The templates include all features required for book publication: title page, copyright page, dedication, contributors list, table of contents/figures/tables, acronyms, glossary, symbols, parts, chapters, appendices, references and an index.

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Maggi Memoir Thesis

This template uses the memoir document class to beautifully typeset a thesis. It is suitable for any high-level degree thesis such as for a PhD, Masters or Honors. The layout of the content is in a thin format to promote easy reading and the template features advanced specification of margins and trimming. The thesis boasts a professional look which is immediately obvious from the title page itself and carries through the design of the rest of the document. Three custom fonts are used in the template to match the design and beautifully display your content.

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Professional Formal Letter

This formal letter template is suitable for individuals representing a professional institution such as a university, company or organization. This is most evident in the large header at the top of the letter where there is space for a logo and a large institution name along with your name and title. A block for your information is neatly tucked away underneath the header line on the right with a vertically-overlapping block for the addressee information underneath on the left. Finally, the content of the letter is laid out in neat justified paragraphs with the signature on the bottom aligning with the date at the top of the letter.

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This template uses the texMemo class to make writing a memo using LaTeX incredibly simple. The template includes the ability to include a company logo underneath which the memo information is housed. The layout of the document is professional and the use of the Palatino font gives it a unique touch to differentiate your memos from those produced by other means!

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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Cies Resume/CV

This Resume/CV template features a compact information-rich layout suitable for a mid-career professional. A defining feature of the design is a relatively large block of two-column text at the start of the template to include a summary of interests, achievements, history, etc. This acts as a useful place to communicate information with the potential employer that may otherwise be overlooked by simply reading a list of achievements and job titles. The content is arranged primarily by employer with the ability to list multiple positions within the same company.

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Professional Newsletter

This elegant newsletter template is best suited to corporate or organizational newsletters with several large entries. It features space for a large wide header at the top with the company logo and information. The layout is highly modifiable and features the ability to include a sidebar encased in a border, an in-text box, quotation and single or multi-column text layouts in any configuration! The template makes extensive use of linking for quick reader browsing, a table of contents is present on the first page and links to every entry in the newsletter.

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Arsclassica Article

This article uses the Arsclassica package (a modification of the Classic Thesis package) to specify the document layout and structure. The template features a single column layout which makes it suitable for a greater number of applications such as for academic articles, business articles and reports. The page layout is very clean and minimal to focus on the content at hand in an elegant way.

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Deedy Resume/CV

This Resume/CV template features a large header with your name and contact information clearly displayed. The Resume/CV content is then in a two-column layout which concentrates a large amount of information in a small space. This allows you to choose which aspects of your academic and professional life to focus on depending on their importance for the position you are applying for. Major sections and their subsections are strongly deviated to grab the attention of the hiring manager.

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Science Journal

The Science Journal allows authors to submit their manuscripts formatted in LaTeX. For this, they provide a template which contains the structure and reference style they would like for submissions. The template provided here includes a filled-out example article, Science bibliography style, example bibliography and the scicite package used for formatting the reference numbers.

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Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) allows authors to submit their manuscripts formatted in LaTeX to any of their journals. For this, they provide three templates which contain the structure and referencing style they would like for submissions. The templates provided here include a filled-out example article template, a guide for correctly using the template, the ACM bibliography style, example bibliography and an ACM class used for formatting the article. The template is extensively commented and sectioned to make writing your manuscript easy.

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This template is for creating a contract with static and dynamic content. It is designed such that you add your static contract terms to the template once and re-use it for many clients using a number of dynamic variables, such as for the payee's name and the hourly rate. The template contains a spacious layout with a minimalist title page and tailing page containing signature lines for all parties.

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This template creates a dictionary with a two-column layout and clear headings delimiting different letters. The header on each page contains the first and last word on that page, making for easy navigation. Converting your current dictionary information to use in this template is easy as a single command specifies the addition of each word. By default, this line has four arguments for the: word, pronunciation, classification and definition. Each can be customized as required (e.g. bold, italic, sans-serif, etc) or other arguments can be added.

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This ebook template is for those wishing to create a book in a format that is easily readable on electronic screens. To facilitate this, the template features a layout with narrow margins and a large font size to use as much of your screen real estate as possible. Each page features a header with the author and title of the book, as well as a page count at the bottom to indicate progress. Book content can be divided by parts, chapters, sections, subsections and subsubsections. The spacious table of contents lets you rapidly select a chapter or part and takes you to it with a click. The large background image in the title page makes your book easily identifiable when browsing a large number of PDFs in a folder.

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Wilson Resume/CV

This Resume/CV template features a spacious layout with a conservative style designed to clearly and simply put forward your work experience and information. The layout is most suited to longer CVs as job descriptions can be quite extensive and can be organized with bullet points or paragraphs of text. The inclusion of a personal profile allows you to succinctly state your career goals and achievements while the skills section lets you list large amounts of technical expertise. Your contact information and your referees' contact information is displayed in customizable blocks allowing you to expand them as needed.

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Custom Class

This template is for advanced users of LaTeX who are interested in creating their own LaTeX class. The creation of a LaTeX class allows one to specify all document requirements (packages, input files, etc) and layout specifications in a .cls file while reserving the .tex file purely for content. An important feature of this template is the inclusion of a pair of custom class options which act as a toggle within the class to change document settings based on the class option supplied. This means the user of the .tex file can change the class option at the top of the template .tex file which changes the layout of the document.

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American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) allows authors to submit their manuscripts formatted in LaTeX to any of their journals and conferences. For this, they provide three templates which contain the structure and referencing style they would like for submissions. If you are submitting a journal article for initial review, you should use the two-column journal template; if your journal article has been accepted then you should use the one-column journal template for production purposes. If you are submitting to an ASME conference, use the conference template.

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Article Notes

This template is for academics and students wishing to make notes on academic articles for future reference or distribution. It is ideal for long-term preservation of thoughts on any given publication and lets you easily specify the information of the article as well as when the notes were made and last revised. Sections within the template can be populated with your notes on the theoretical background, methods, results and discussion/conclusions of the article. A citation is included which lets you easily search a folder full of notes to find the relevant publication. The template is arranged in two columns and landscape orientation by default but these can be easily changed.

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This template typesets your poetry in a beautiful and simple way using the 'verse' LaTeX package and a number of custom commands. The template is designed for you to quickly typeset poetry without worrying about complex indentation and positioning. The template is highly structured and commented for you to immediately see how each of the elements is to be used.

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Canadian Forces Memo

This template is for producing a memorandum (memo) within the Canadian Forces. It was made by using the Military Writing Guide provided for K. Thomas by his MCpl. Following many terrible experiences of having a memo come back with formatting adjustments required, he decided to come up with a template that will for the most part print a correctly-formatted memo with little need to make tweaks by the user.

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This template is for creating a single page cheatsheet. Cheatsheets act as a reference for shortcuts in an application but can also be used as a reference for commands, symbols, functions, equations and any other use case where there are many ways to do something. The template features a three column layout to pack in a large amount of information into the single page. Each column is further subdivided by headings and blocks of similar commands are separated by spaces.

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Awesome Resume/CV

This gorgeous Resume/CV template comes with a matching cover letter template to help simplify the process of applying for your next job. Both templates feature a clean header listing your essential contact information and fields of expertise as well as a subtle matching footer. Clear sectioning within the resume/CV template ensures your achievements are easily navigated and extensively described by major heading, then minor heading, then sub-heading. The location and date(s) of each achievement or event are clearly highlighted. The cover letter template is also sectioned by major heading but these headings are not mandatory if only simple paragraphs are required.

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Wenneker Resume/CV

This simple and clean Resume/CV template features a two column layout with your most important information displayed in the left column for immediate overview by potential employers. This template would suit an early-mid career graduate looking for a clean, simple and elegant CV with minimal fuss.

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Twenty Seconds Resume/CV

This simple Resume/CV template features a large sidebar with key information about you neatly presented for quick perusal. Your main skills can be quickly highlighted using progress bars ranging from novice to expert, this is particularly useful for programming languages and other skills where time is required for mastery. The template body is then presented delimited by large colored section titles (alternating gray and blue). Inside these, you can further divide content by subsection or simply write paragraphs. Lists of achievements or timelines can be constructed using one of two environments: long lists with descriptions or short one-line lists.

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Lachaise Assignment

This template is for teachers/instructors/educators to create assignments/homework for their students. It includes a clear title on the first page for the course, assignment and teacher's name, as well as the institution and date. Sets of questions can be grouped by headings and the template includes examples of unnumbered and numbered sections, and numbered subsections (for longer assignments). Amongst the description text for each question, examples are provided for virtually any subject matter, including: equations, algorithms, code and command line outputs.

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Focus Presentation

This template creates modern presentation slides using the beamer class. The minimalist design lets you quickly enter your content and spend time honing your message rather than wasting time in presentation software. The template includes examples of many slide types which should cover most use cases as well as different ways of putting in your content no matter what it is and how you want to emphasize it.

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Wile E. Invoice

This invoice template is for businesses or contractors who need to request payments from customers or clients. It features a clean simple layout with a company name at the top, then a section for the recipient's contact information, then a section for invoice information, then the invoice items, then a terms and conditions and amount due section and finally a sender's contact information section. The invoice is created using a series of custom commands that make populating all the information very easy. All invoice numbers for subtotals, gross, tax and net are calculated automatically using a provided tax rate and item quantities and rates.

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Developer CV

This curriculum vitae/resume template is tailored for software developers to display their skills and experience in a clean and simple way. The top of the template contains space for profiles and contact information on various platforms and uses familiar FontAwesome icons. Skills in various technologies and platforms are displayed at a glance in a skill bar chart and bubbles of varying sizes. Experience at different firms is listed in an ordered list and includes examples of technologies used at each position. Finally, a free-form set of side-by-side sections let the user add any other information they would like to include.

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fphw Assignment

This template is for formatting assignments or homework in a clear and simple way. The title section at the top of the first page clearly displays the assignment, student and class information. This information also appears in the headers and footers of subsequent pages. Questions in the assignment are clearly demarcated and appear inside boxes to focus attention. The template features examples of including images, tables, equations and code listings for covering virtually all common assignment information. Multi-part questions and answers are shown for more complex questions.

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This template is designed for writing books and graduate-level theses and provides numerous examples and documentation to enable complex requirements. The design features a relatively narrow main text column with an adjacent wide margin to house notes, figures, tables, citations and captions. The template body includes numerous examples of how to make use of the large margin for all kinds of content. The main text column contains examples of coloured boxes, lists, code listings, figures, tables, equations, referencing, theorems and more to serve as a reference to cover every possible use case for your own content. The text of the template expertly describes the logic behind the template and then moves on to an overview of the template structure and how it is split into directories and files.

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Conference Booklet

Description This template is for conference organisers who wish to produce a booklet or online document for attendees detailing conference information and presenters. The template is primarily aimed at academic conferences but can be tailored to commercial conferences. The template is structured to initially display a cover page (from image) then the main conference information. […]

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